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Sister Carolyn Capuano, HM

Canton, OH

Around the same time (2009) that our Diocese made the difficult decision to close an inner city parish in NE Canton, St. Paul's, we at Mercy Medical Center (Sisters of Charity Health System) heard the cry of the people for accessible health care.

The people who lived in the urban NE quadrant of the city had not one physician or dentist in all of 44705. I was privileged to work with the people, the city government, my community, the Sisters of the Humility of Mary (who had taught at St. Paul's for 60 years), the Diocese of Youngstown, my colleagues at Mercy and numerous local foundations to transform what had been the former convent on the parish property into a lovely medical health home for the people. Everything for the extensive rennovation was provided through philanthropy and grants.  

We offer family medical, dental and behavioral health services at Mercy Primary Care at St. Paul Square. Among those being served are recently arrived Spanish speaking immigrants. It is an example of the presence and ministry of our Church that has been "changed not ended" as so many groups in our community moved beyond politics and bridged divides of funding and an economic "crash".

Together we became a circle of collaboration for the good of a tipping point neighborhood. The City ofCanton is hoping we can do it again in our urban SE quadrant.