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Jeff Waggoner

Nassau, NY

The multi-billion dollar company Kinder Morgan wants to poison our kids with a massive compression station in our rural/residential community in Nassau, NY

Virtually NO federal officials are speaking out against this proposal. We have heard not a single U.S senator speak out against the poisoning of our children — that includes senators Kirsten Gillibrand, Charles Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, Ed Markey and the senators in NH. The pipeline — Northeast Energy Direct — will cross NY, MA and NH. and each state will have at least one poisonous compression station that that will spew out carcinogens and neurotoxins

Why won’t they speak out against poisoning children?  are they intimidated by the oil and gas industry so much that they will allow our children to be exposed to toxins?

We need your help. We need you to speak out for our children

Here is a SHORT video about our troubles.

P.S. the picture I attached is not me. It is a picture of an elementary school in NH that would be in the "incineration zone" of a compression station.