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Jannette Davis

Topeka, KS

Reser’s number one…I worked there for two and a half years. I did a real good job. My work performance was very well, but because of the lack of having degrees and stuff, I was harassed. I was set up, got fired for something I didn’t do. I tried going to Human Rights. They didn’t do anything about it, you know? The only thing they did was write me a letter that said they couldn’t find any proof of harassment. Therefore, I say ‘What about us?’ Why try to work because we have to eat. Several other jobs that I can name…It’s just very hard for us. We cry. We hold emotions inside, but we have to bite and grit our teeth and just put up with the racism that goes on. It’s really bad. I’ve seen so much. I try to do the best that I can and I know that I’m a good worker. People like us, I just wonder about people like us. I just go from job to job and I don’t know when it’s going to run out. That’s the way we’re living out here.