This is an archive page from a previous bus tour. Not all links may be operational.
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Betty C. Dudney

Nashville, TN

Want to share my new book, also an e-book, only $1.
About God is our Mother as well as Father! 
“ABBA”, the Aramaic word Jesus used, translated into 
The Patriarchal Biblical word "Father"=Our Heavenly Parent. 
What is a Father without a Mother? 

"Equal Rights From God" by B.C.Dudney

Really enjoyed the townhall meeting at Divinity School in Nashville, last night, what's wrong, and what can we do about it, especially the synopsis of the three virtues, Holy Curosity, Sacred Gosip, and respect everybody's space or mission. Very well done.

Gave one of the Sisters a copy of my book and want the Sister from Nigeria to take it with her when she goes back, but will give you another copy for the bus when i see you in Philadelphia at WOW Conference, God Willing.
Sorry can't be in DC but you'll WOW them.
May God continue to Bless,